Project 9

Project 8

Project 7

Project 6

Project 5

Project 4

Project 3

Project 2

Project 1

Tanzania 06/2014
Renewable energy and sustainable farming knowledge and resource centres at 3 secondary schools in Tanzania
Description [status: planning]
This project is still in the planning stage.

Please check back soon for updates.

ARC provides technical and curricular assistance with the establishment of renewable energy and sustainable farming learning and resource centres in 3 high-schools in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, winners of the 2013 Zayed Future Energy Prize.
Liwa 06/2014
Farm waste to electricity conversion at the Fatima Bint Asad School in Liwa, in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi
Description [status: ongoing]
This project has recently started and it is still in the development stage.

Please check back soon for updates.

ARC provides technical assistance with waste-to-energy solutions for the potential establishment of a waste-to-energy plant in the school or the community of Liwa town.
Ladakh 06/2014
Simulation-based community micro-grid design workshop @ Energy Access, Ethics and Development 2014
This is the second edition of Project 3
Description [status: completed]
ARC members conducted a workshop and were organizers alongside:

The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values @ MIT
Young Future Energy Leaders Program
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
hosted by SECMOL Phey Campus in Ladakh, India

One-week workshop of energy access, ethics and development, with technology, micro-grid design, community mapping, business plan and social entrepreneurship modules. Concluded with a panel discussion with officials from Ladakhi energy authorities and NGOs.
Abaarso 03/2014
Project with MI-EWB group and ZFEP at Abaarso School to assist with wind turbine installation

This is a follow-up on Project 2
Description [status: in progress]
The project to renovate the micro-grid is divided into three parts:

• A first trip to ensure wind turbine operation and do some preliminary mapping (working trip for ARC, scouting trip for MI EWB)
• in-between work to redesign the micro-grid and order necessary parts and
• a second trip to install an upgraded distribution system and solar water heaters in various locations around the school.
Rompin 09/2013
Water resource mapping and access restoration
Project on Samepage collaborative platform
Description [status: in progress]
In the village of Kampung Mentelong (Mentelong village) in Rompin, Malaysia. the well water supply was either contaminated or dried up and the river water was polluted due to fertilizer run-off from palm oil plantations upstream. Without water or electricity being provided by the state, this left the village without a reliable source of water.

ARC has been working in the past on using gaming to determine capacity for electrification systems, and we think that this could potentially be modified to provide some insight into the amount of water consumed by the village over a period of time; a necessity for sizing and designing a new system correctly.
Janda Baik 09/2013
Indigenous village community integration assesment and children's capacity building water distribution game
Project on Samepage collaborative platform
Description [status: in progress]
Members of ARC played four games with children from Kg. Cemperuh.

• A teambuilding and creativity tower game
• A team-coordination and cooperation sitting game
• A water use awareness raising and community building “bucket game”
• A hands-on build your village arts and crafts game

After the games, ARC members spent the afternoon discussing the outcomes of the various games and potential future development work with the village.
Ladakh 08/2013
Load management game simulation @ Ethics, Energy Access and Development summer course
Project on Samepage collaborative platform
Description [status: completed]
2 ARC members participated in this workshop jointly organized by:

The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values @ MIT
Young Future Energy Leaders Program
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
hosted by SECMOL Phey Campus in Ladakh, India

We have tested the beta version of our load-management simulation game on select members of the Young Future Energy Leaders Program and local ladakhi students, with great success.
Abaarso 07/2013
Capacity building course on renewable energy and sustainability for high-school students
Project on Samepage collaborative platform
Description [status: completed]
ARC organized a week-long capacity building course on renewable energy and sustainability for high-school students at Abaarso Tech.

Elaborate concepts such as solar, wind energy generation and consumption, water resource mapping, waste management and recycling basic project management concepts, as well life-cycle assessment have been presented.

Prior to the course, ARC organized a charitable exhibition at the Somali Cultural Center in Abu Dhabi, with fundraising purposes for the trip.
Buayan 03/2013
Indigenous community assesment and microhydro power restoration and analysis
Project on Samepage collaborative platform
Description [status: in progress]
Microhydro-generator power restoration and transmission pole building workshop.

Design a capacity building program which aims to:

Ensure villagers' rights and access to their natural resources and land
Support villager’s participation in policy and governance processes
Facilitate the institutionalizing and establishing protocols for the village
Organizational, institutional support for enhancing people’s capability
Enhance the participation of rural producers in agricultural and related markets